Satellite Camp Passau III

Gründung des Konzentrationslagers

Passau III Subcamp was established in March 1945. It was likely a sub-detachment to Passau I - Oberilzmühle, as there are no records about this camp as an independent subcamp in the records of the Mauthausen SS, nor in transport lists or reports on changes.


The place of work for the prisoners was the Danube port in Passau. There is no information about where the detachment was accommodated.

Informationen über die Häftlinge

Different information was found about the number of prisoners at the camp: The “Catalogue of Camps and Prisoners in German and German-Occupied Territories” (CCP) shows 18 persons; according to a statement by the commander of Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Franz Ziereis, that he made during the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, the detachment consisted of 30 to 50 prisoners. Further details are unknown.


The prisoners were assigned to load and unload the ships of the inland waterway transport company of the Bavarian Lloyd, who operated the Danube port in Passau.


There is no information on the guard of the camp.


Passau III Subcamp was shut down in May 1945

Gedenken und Erinnern

There is no memorial nor any remains of the subcamp. A memorial for the victims of National Socialism was erected in 1996 on the Passau Inn promenade in the historical centre of the city

Fotos (Aktuell, Historisch, Topografie und Luftaufnahmen)

Overview with GPS data, AL Passau III - Danube port
Overview Danube port, AL-Passau III